An Adoption Story: The B. Family
The long awaited day for the B. Family finally came earlier this month. About a year and a half ago, a big-hearted couple welcomed two...

The B. Family
I have been waiting a few months to be able to share some of my favorite shots from the B. Family Session. At the time of this session,...

An Adoption Story: The S. Family
Here is another great adoption I was honored to capture. This was a wonderful family who live out of state, but they will always have a...

Jennifer + Derrick Maternity Session
I am always happy about the pending arrival of a baby, but I am REALLY excited about this baby. This is my sister-in law-Jennifer and...

Asher is ONE!
I can't believe this little man is ONE already! It really doesn't seem like it has been a whole year since I met a tiny newborn Asher. I...

The Carvalho Family
It was so great to see this beautiful family again and I just love seeing how much these cutie cousins grew since the last time I...