The B. Family
I have been waiting a few months to be able to share some of my favorite shots from the B. Family Session. At the time of this session, the children were still technically in foster care so I couldn't post any photos. Their adoption was coming up, but hadn't been scheduled yet. When Mrs. B. first contacted me to photograph her family, I was so excited to do so, especially once she shared their story. This family and these children have stolen my heart. Mr. and Mrs. B opened their hearts and homes to foster care. They were first placed with the two younger children and a few months later the twin girls arrived in their home. These four adorable children are biological siblings and at the time I met them, they ranged in ages 2-4. If you are a parent of pre-schoolers, then you know what life is like with really young ones in the house. So hats off to these extraordinary parents as they became a family of 6 within just a few months to these precious, and very busy, kiddos. These are some really amazing kids with a great story that has a very happy ending.